In a recent post, Krzysztof Kozmic discussed about an efficient way to link a particular test to an issue in a bug tracker. MbUnit provides several useful metadata attributes such as
, [Author]
, [TestsOn]
etc. But none is about issue tracking :( Fortunately, the Gallio framework is easily extensible (did I say that already?); let's create such an attribute.Custom Metadata Attribute
We will first create a new simple metadata attribute. We just need to derive fromGallio.Framework.Pattern.MetadataPatternAttribute
and to implement some basic code logic in it.[AttributeUsage(PatternAttributeTargets.TestComponent, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = true)]
public class IssueAttribute : MetadataPatternAttribute
private readonly int issue;
public IssueAttribute(int issue)
this.issue = issue;
public int Issue
get { return issue; }
protected override IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> GetMetadata()
yield return new KeyValuePair<string, string>("Issue", issue.ToString());
We can now use that simple attribute and enjoy the information displayed in the test report.
public class MyTestFixture
[Test, Issue(123456)]
public void MyTest()

Custom Test Decorator
But wait! We can certainly do better. My favorite issue tracker is a fancy web application and I would like to get an hyperlink that leads me directly to that issue. We cannot use Gallio metadata for that purpose because they are only key/value pairs of strings. Therefore it's uneasy to make them hold more interesting data like an URL. We will create a new test decorator instead; and use the powerful test log API to display cool stuff in the report. Let's implement a new test decorator attribute (MbUnit.Framework.TestDecoratorAttribute
)[AttributeUsage(PatternAttributeTargets.Test, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = true)]
public class IssueAttribute : TestDecoratorAttribute
private readonly int issue;
public IssueAttribute(int issue)
this.issue = issue;
public int Issue
get { return issue; }
protected override void Execute(PatternTestInstanceState testInstanceState)
using (TestLog.BeginSection("Issue"))
TestLog.Write("This test is related to the ");
using (TestLog.BeginMarker(Marker.Link("http://MyCoolBugTracker/Issue/" + issue)))
TestLog.WriteLine("issue #" + issue);
Look now at the cool link printed in the test report: