
Assert.ForAll and Assert.Exists in MbUnit v3

MbUnit v3.2 v3.1 is going to be released next week as part of the Gallio package. It contains two new very convenient assertions; So useful in fact, that they probably should have come earlier. But well... Better late than never!

Anyway, Assert.ForAll and Assert.Exists are the counterparts of the LINQ extension methods IEnumerable<T>.All and IEnumerable<T>.Any respectively.

  • Assert.ForAll verifies that all the elements of the sequence meet the specified condition. The following example defines a test method which verifies that every integer of the sequence is an even number.
    public class MyTestFixture
    public void ForAllTest()
    var data = new[] { 2, 8, 10, 6, 4, 20 };
    Assert.ForAll(data, x => x % 2 == 0); // pass!
  • Assert.Exists verifies that at least one element of the sequence meets the specified condition. The assertion evaluates each element until it finds a matching one, or until it reaches the end of the enumeration, which causes the assertion to fail. The next example shows a test method which verifies that at least one integer of the sequence is an odd number. Considering the sample array, the method should obviously fail.
    public class MyTestFixture
    public void ExistsTest()
    var data = new[] { 2, 8, 10, 6, 4, 20 };
    Assert.Exists(data, x => x % 2 != 0); // fail!