
The Data Generation Framework in MbUnit v3 (Part 2)

The new data generation framework of Gallio v3.1 is not only about the generation of sequential numbers. It can generate constrainted pseudo-random numbers and strings for your tests as well. If not applied wisely, the use of pseudo-random input for a unit test may lead to inconsistent test results. Nevertheless, there are many cases where it is very useful. Today, I'm going to explain how to inject pseudo-random numbers in your MbUnit tests.

Like for the generation of sequential numbers, the generation of pseudo-random numbers is accessible in MbUnit through a dedicated attribute. You need to attach that attribute to one or several parameters of a test method. Please consider the following simple example.
public class Foo
private readonly value;

public int Value
return value;

public Foo(int value)
if (value < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", "Must be greater than or equal to zero.");

if (value % 3 != 0)
throw new ArgumentException("value", "Must be divisible by 3.");

this.value = value;
First, we are going to verify that the construction of a Foo instance with a negative value really throws an exception.
public class FooTest
public void Constructs_with_negative_value_should_throw_exception(
[RandomNumbers(Minimum = Int32.MinValue, Maximum = -1, Count = 50] int negativeValue)
new Foo(negativeValue);
The test will run 50 times, by generating each time a pseudo-random integer between Int32.MinValue and -1.

It is possible to intercept the generation of the numbers to filter them before they reach your test method. Let's use that feature to pass to the constructor, only values that are divisible by 3.
public class FooTest
public void Constructs_with_value_divisible_by_3_ok(
[RandomNumbers(Minimum = 0, Maximum = Int32.MaxValue, Count = 50, Filter = "FilterDivisibleByThree"] int value)
var foo = new Foo(value);
Assert.AreEqual(value, foo.Value);

public static bool FilterDivisibleByThree(int value)
return value % 3 == 0;
That test will run 50 times as well. It generates each time a pseudo-random integer between 0 and Int32.MaxValue, divisible by 3.

Like for SequenceNumbersAttribute, the data generation framework works internally with System.Decimal numbers, which are converted later by the Gallio type conversion engine when they are bound to the parameters of your test method. It means that you can use RandomNumbersAttribute against any numeric primitive (double, short, byte, etc.) and not only System.Int32 like in the previous examples.

Remember that you can combine together several attributes related to data driven testing to create combinatorial tests.
public class CrazyTest
public void SomeCrazyCombinatorialTest(
[EnumData(typeof(MyEnum))] MyEnum arg1,
[Column("Hello", "World")] string arg2,
[RandomNumbers(Minimum = 0.25, Maximum = 5.75, Count = 7)] double arg2,
[SequentialNumbers(Start = 0, End = 100, Count = 10)] ushort arg3)
// Assuming that MyEnum has 4 members,
// this test will run 4 * 2 * 7 * 10 = 560 times!

Next time, I will talk about pseudo-random strings.


The Data Generation Framework in MbUnit v3 (Part 1)

Gallio/MbUnit v3.1 has been released for a couple of weeks. But I just noticed that we did not speak too much about one of its nice additions: the Data Generation Framework. Jeff mentioned it in the release note, but I would like here to provide some more explanations.

The Data Generation Framework is a set of types present in the Gallio core component. The purpose is to ease the creation of predictable parameters for data driven tests. The feature can be used in MbUnit through a couple of new attributes. Today, we will have a look at [SequentialNumbers].

This attribute provides a column of sequential values. It must be applied against any parameter of a test method.
public class MyTestFixture
public void MyTestMethod1([SequentialNumbers(Start = 0, End = 10, Count = 5)] decimal value)
// This test will run 5 times with the values 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, and 10.

public void MyTestMethod2([SequentialNumbers(Start = 1, Step = 1, Count = 4)] int value)
// This test will run 4 times with the values 1, 2, 3 and 4.

public void MyTestMethod3([SequentialNumbers(Start = 0, End = 15, Step = 3)] double value)
// This test will run 6 times with the values 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15.
As you see, there are 3 possible way to configure the sequence, according the combination of properties you are going to initialized:
  • Start, Step, and Count.
  • Start, End, and Count.
  • Start, End, and Step

  • The attribute generates System.Decimal numbers, but you can use whatever primitive type with a lesser precision (double, int, byte, etc.)

    It is also possible to specify a hook method that is going to filter some specific numbers. The example below generates a sequence of numbers from 1 to 100, by excluding the values which are not divisible by 3 or by 10. The filter method should returns true to include the number in the sequence, or false to exclude it from the sequence.
    public class MyTestFixture
    public void Generate_filtered_sequence([SequentialNumbers(Start = 1, End = 100, Step = 1, Filter = "MyFilter")] int value)
    // Code logic here...

    public static bool MyFilter(int number)
    return (n % 3 == 0) || (n % 10 == 0);

    Announcing Gallio and MbUnit v3.1 Update 1

    A bug fix release is available for Gallio/MbUnit v3.1. Please read Jeff's release note for more details. You can download the package at the usual location: http://www.gallio.org/Downloads.aspx.

    Have fun!


    Equality Assertions in MbUnit v3

    As .NET developers, we all know that the notion of object equality is not as simple as it looks first. Object equality is in fact probably as fundamental and difficult to understand as the famous concept of pointers in the good old C language. The fact is that writing unit tests, with Gallio/MbUnit or with any other existing framework is mostly about making equality assertions on the output of various code components. Thus chances are high you be stuck soon or later by an equality assertion which should obviously pass, but unexpectedly fails because your type does not implement any reliable equality mechanism. That's why I would like to review in that article, some features of MbUnit v3.1 which may help you using properly the powerful equality assertions.

    Let's start with a simple example.

    public class SolarSystemTest
    public void Number_of_planets_in_the_solar_system()
    var repository = new StarSystemRepository();
    var solarSystem = repository.GetLocalSystem();
    int count = solarSystem.CountPlanets();
    Assert.AreEqual(8, count);
    We use here the well-known Assert.AreEqual to verify that the actual number of planets found in our solar system is 8, as expected. Of course, the equality assertion knows how to compare System.Int32 values. Basically, it knows how to compare any primitive like System.String or System.Double. But what happens while asserting on non-primitive types?

    By default, MbUnit relies on the result returned by the overridable Object.Equals method. And by default, that method simply consists of a referential equality. Thus it returns true only if the 2 objects compared represent the same instance (EDIT: OK, let's ignore the case where objects are null for the moment.). That's why, given our implementation of the class Planet, the following test miserably fails.

    public class Planet
    public string Name
    private set;

    public Planet(string name)
    Name = name;

    public class SolarSystemTest
    public void Mercury_is_the_closest_planet_to_the_sun()
    var repository = new StarSystemRepository();
    var solarSystem = repository.GetLocalSystem();
    IPlanet actual = solarSystem.GetClosestPlanetToTheStar();
    Assert.AreEqual(new Planet("Mercury"), actual); // Fail!?
    So how should we write the assertion to get the expected result? There are several solutions.

    • Asserting the inner object properties.

      The most obvious solution is indeed to verify the inner properties of the actual object. We could just replace the failing assertion by:
      Assert.AreEqual("Mercury", actual.Name);
      For a simple scenario such as in our example, this is surely enough. But what if Planet is in fact a complex entity, with a dozen of properties, each hiding a complex tree of entities and value objects? At best, you would end up with a very large number of unmaintainable assertions. That's why you should avoid that solution if you get more than 3 or 4 assertions.
    • Supporting equality.

      The second possibility consists in implementing a dedicated equality mechanism for the evaluated type. The standard way of doing it is to implement the IEquatable<T> interface.
      public class Planet : IEquatable<Planet>
      public string Name
      private set;

      public Planet(string name)
      Name = name;

      public bool Equals(Planet other)
      return (other != null) && (Name == other.Name);

      public override int GetHashCode()
      return Name.GetHashCode();

      public override bool Equals(object obj)
      return Equals(obj as Planet);
      This may sound like a perfectly reasonable solution. In fact, if you are a lucky developer, chances are good that your class already implements such an equality mechanism. It is perhaps a needed feature of your code base. If yes, then look no further, and just use it. The initial assertion will pass. Congratulations! You made it.

      But if no, then Planet has no equality mechanism probably because it does not need of any. It means that you are about to add an unnecessary feature to your code base, just to make your tests easier to write. Remember YAGNI? You ain't gonna need it! If Planet does not need to be equatable, then why making it equatable? Your answer should never be: "To make it more testable". This is a short way to the dark side of the force, I assure you. Adding unnecessary code that will only eventually be used by your unit tests is certainly a bad practice.

    • Using the comparison delegate.

      Most of the MbUnit equality assertions take a third optional parameter of the type EqualityComparison<T>. The equality comparison delegate is a function which takes two instances of the same type, and returns true if they are equal. If your scenario is simple enough, you can provide such a function to specify to the assertion how to compare the objects. With the lambda syntax, it looks very elegant.
      Assert.AreEqual(new Planet("Mercury"), actual, (x, y) => x.Name == y.Name);
      And if the object has a reasonable number of properties, that's still a good solution.
      Assert.AreEqual(new Planet("Mercury"), actual, (x, y) => 
      x.Name == y.Name &&
      x.Weight = y.Weight &&
      x.DistanceToStar == y.DistanceToStar);
      But again, if the type has too many properties, or if these properties are not more equatable than their parent, you will get a complete mess.
    • Using the structural equality comparer.

      MbUnit v3.1 comes with a fantastic built-in feature which deserves to be better known (but that's the point of this post anyway). Basically, the structural equality comparer (StructuralEqualityComparer<T>) provides to the assertions a convenient way to determine whether two instances of a type are equal or not; while the type itself does not implement any relevant equality mechanism.
      Assert.AreEqual(new Planet("Mercury"), actual, 
      new StructuralEqualityComparer<Planet>
      { x => x.Name }
      Well, it does not look so impressive, does it? The comparer instance is populated with one comparison criterion that says to the assertion engine to use the property Name to compare two Planet instances. The syntax is not much more complicated when you have several properties.
      Assert.AreEqualnew Planet("Mercury"), actual, 
      new StructuralEqualityComparer<Planet>
      { x => x.Name },
      { x => x.Weight },
      { x => x.DistanceToSun }
      The true power appears when you know that each equality criterion is easily customizable, either with a comparison delegate, or with a new inner comparer.
      Assert.AreEqual(new Planet("Mercury"), actual, 
      new StructuralEqualityComparer<Planet>
      { x => x.Name, (a, b) => a.Equals(b, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) },
      { x => x.Weight },
      { x => x.DistanceToSun },
      { x => x.Revolution, (a, b) => a.Period == b.Period }
      As you see, each criterion is able to define its own comparison rules. You can also nest structural equality comparers and define them as a comparison rule for an inner criterion.
      Assert.AreEqual(new Planet("Mercury"), actual, 
      new StructuralEqualityComparer<Planet>
      { x => x.Name, (a, b) => a.Equals(b, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) },
      { x => x.Weight },
      { x => x.DistanceToSun },
      { x => x.Revolution, new StructuralEqualityComparer<Revolution> { { x => x.Period } } }
      The comparer works very well with enumerations too. It provides a similar result to what do Assert.AreElementsEqual and Assert.AreElementsEqualIgnoringOrder. Suppose that Planet has now a property named Satellites which returns an instance of the type IEnumerable<Satellite>. Adding them into the overall comparison structure is easy. The comparer also supports some options to ignore the order of the child elements.
      Assert.AreEqual(new Planet("Mercury"), actual, 
      new StructuralEqualityComparer<Planet>
      { x => x.Name, (a, b) => a.Equals(b, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) },
      { x => x.Weight },
      { x => x.DistanceToSun },
      { x => x.Revolution, (a, b) => a.Period == b.Period }
      { x => x.Satellites, new StructuralEqualityComparer<Satellite>
      { x.Name },
      { x.DistanceToPlanet }
      }, StructuralEqualityComparerOptions.IgnoreEnumerableOrder
      As already explained, the structural equality comparer can be used with most of the equality assertions. It is particularly useful with the equality assertions for collections.
      new[] { new Satellite("Deimos"), new Satellite("Phobos") },
      new StructuralEqualityComparer<Satellite> { { x => x.Name } });
    See you next time!


    Assert.ForAll and Assert.Exists in MbUnit v3

    MbUnit v3.2 v3.1 is going to be released next week as part of the Gallio package. It contains two new very convenient assertions; So useful in fact, that they probably should have come earlier. But well... Better late than never!

    Anyway, Assert.ForAll and Assert.Exists are the counterparts of the LINQ extension methods IEnumerable<T>.All and IEnumerable<T>.Any respectively.

  • Assert.ForAll verifies that all the elements of the sequence meet the specified condition. The following example defines a test method which verifies that every integer of the sequence is an even number.
    public class MyTestFixture
    public void ForAllTest()
    var data = new[] { 2, 8, 10, 6, 4, 20 };
    Assert.ForAll(data, x => x % 2 == 0); // pass!
  • Assert.Exists verifies that at least one element of the sequence meets the specified condition. The assertion evaluates each element until it finds a matching one, or until it reaches the end of the enumeration, which causes the assertion to fail. The next example shows a test method which verifies that at least one integer of the sequence is an odd number. Considering the sample array, the method should obviously fail.
    public class MyTestFixture
    public void ExistsTest()
    var data = new[] { 2, 8, 10, 6, 4, 20 };
    Assert.Exists(data, x => x % 2 != 0); // fail!
  • 2009/07/23

    A New Book : Using Gallio & MbUnit

    Dan Maharry has recently done a great effort to put the Gallio Book project back on the rails. As Dan explains in his post, volunteers are wanted to help to write and review the content of the book.

    If you are interested, rendezvous at the Gallio-Book discussion group.


    Assert.Sorted in MbUnit v3

    Recently, we did implement in MbUnit v3 a few handy new assertions to evaluate enumerations, such as Assert.Distinct and Assert.Sorted.

    Assert.Sorted verifies that the elements in an enumeration are effectively sorted.

    public class MyTestFixture
    public void SortingTest1()
    var array = new[] { 1, 4, 9, 9, 10 };
    Assert.Sorted(array, SortOrder.Increasing);
    As you can see, the expected sorting direction must be specified in the second parameter. It may be one of the following values:
    • SortOrder.Increasing
    • SortOrder.StrictlyIncreasing
    • SortOrder.Decreasing
    • SortOrder.StrictlyDecreasing
    Internally, the assertion uses the implementation of IComparable or IComparable<T> to perform the comparisons between the elements of the enumerations. However, if the elements are of type which is not comparable, you have to provide your own mechanism to compare objects. It might be either a Comparison<T> delegate or a IComparer<T> object.
    public class Foo
    private readonly int value;

    public int Value
    return value;

    public Foo(int value)
    this.value = value;

    public class MyTestFixture
    public void SortingTest2()
    var array = new[] { new Foo(1), new Foo(4), new Foo(9), new Foo(9), new Foo(10) };
    Assert.Sorted(array, SortOrder.Increasing, (x, y) => x.Value.CompareTo(y.Value));


    Assert.Distinct in MbUnit v3

    Assert.Distinct is a new useful assertion available in the incoming version 3.0.7 of MbUnit. The assertion verifies that the elements of the provided enumeration are distinct from each other.

    Usually, the simplest overload which takes the enumeration as a single argument will be sufficient. It lets the default object comparison engine of Gallio to handle with the comparison of the elements inside the enumeration.

    public class MyTestFixture
    public void MyTestMethod()
    var array = new[] { 123, 456, 789 };
    However, a couple of other overloads are available, which let you customize the way you want to compare objects together. The following example shows how to verify that an enumeration contains distinct Foo instances. Since the subject Foo type has intentionally no usual comparison feature such as the implementation of IComparable, or the override of Object.Equals, we introduce here a comparison delegate which compares two instances together.
    public class Foo
    public int Number;
    public string Text;
    public class MyTestFixture
    public void MyTestMethod()
    var array = new[]
    new Foo { Number = 123, Text = "ABC" }
    new Foo { Number = 456, Text = "DEF" }
    new Foo { Number = 789, Text = "GHI" }

    Assert.Distinct(array, (x, y) => x.Number != y.Number && String.Compare(x.Text, y.Text, true) == 0);
    The assertion accepts an IEqualityComparer<T> as well. So we can use the new useful structural equality comparer of MbUnit (more info about that nice beast in a future article).
    public class MyTestFixture
    public void MyTestMethod()
    var array = new[]
    new Foo { Number = 123, Text = "ABC" }
    new Foo { Number = 456, Text = "DEF" }
    new Foo { Number = 789, Text = "GHI" }

    Assert.Distinct(array, new StructuralEqualityComparer<Foo>
    { x => x.Number },
    { x => x.Text, (x, y) => String.Compare(x, y, true) == 0 }


    Retry.Until in MbUnit v3

    The next release of Gallio (v3.0.7) contains an impressive number of new features (VS2010 Support, Control Panel, Test With Debugger in Icarus, and many more). But we have also worked hard to extend MbUnit v3 with some new interesting capabilities. I am going to present them briefly to you in the following articles. Please remember that you are not forced to wait for the official release of Gallio v3.0.7 to play with them. You can download the latest daily build here. It is possible that you experiment some minor issues with the daily builds (let us know on the newsgroups here and there), but they are very stable already.

    I will start today with the new special assertion Retry.Until. It is special because it is not of the usual form Assert.Something.

    Retry.Until lets you evaluate a specific condition several times until it becomes true, or until some timeout mechanism triggers an assertion failure.

    The assertion comes with a nice fluent syntax which allows some flexible configuration. It works a little bit like the famous Rhino.Mocks expectations. You can specify the number of times the condition must be evaluated (Times), a polling time between each evaluation (WithPolling), a global timeout duration for the entire operation (WithTimeout), or some custom action to execute between each cycle (DoBetween). Of course, you can finally specify the condition to evaluate (Until). So far, 3 kinds of conditions are accepted:

    Here is a simple usage example, which asserts that an hypothetical asynchronous operation has completed within an expected timeframe.
    public class MyTestFixture
    public void MyTestMethod()
    var foo = new Foo();
    .Until(() => Foo.HasTerminated());


    Presentation: Gallio, a .NET Testing Automation Platform

    InfoQ made available this nice video recorded at QCon SF 2008, where my friend Jeff Brown talks about Gallio and MbUnit.

    The mugs on the console can be bought on Gallio Store (Zazzle) ;)


    Asserting the inner exception

    Asserting an expected exception is easy with MbUnit. Most of the time, the simple use of ExpectedExceptionAttribute (and similar) is sufficient:
    public void DoSomething_with_null_argument_should_throw_exception()
    var foo = new Foo();
    This is a very handy solution. But it does not come without any inconvenient:
    1. Even if the test passes, you cannot be sure that the exception was thrown exactly where it was expected to be thrown. It is possible that another portion of the code has thrown an exception of the same type, before the expected failure point was reached. For example, a bug in the Foo constructor could have thrown the same exception; and it would make your test completely irrelevant because it would pass for a wrong reason.
    2. You cannot perform any additional assertion about the exception itself and its properties, like the message, or the inner exception.
    Fortunately, MbUnit has a very useful Assert.Throws method, which solves all those limitations. It is very easy to use, in particular with the lambda expression syntax.
    public void DoSomething_with_null_argument_should_throw_exception()
    var foo = new Foo();
    Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => foo.DoSomething(null));
    Remark that ExpectedArgumentNullExceptionAttribute is no longer needed. Now, you are sure that the exception was thrown when passing a null reference to the DoSomething method, and not before, in an obscure part of the Foo constructor.

    But wait! you can do even more! Unlike most of the other MbUnit assertion methods which just return void, Assert.Throws returns the instance of the exception which was caught. With that instance, you can make some more interesting assertions:

    public void DoSomething_with_null_argument_should_throw_exception()
    var foo = new Foo();
    var exception = Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => foo.DoSomething(null));
    Assert.AreEqual("Detected breach in space-time continuum.", exception.Message);
    This is particularly useful for parameterized tests based on reflection. Indeed, reflective invocations encapsulate the exceptions into a TargetInvocationException instance, which makes the reason for the error a bit less discoverable:
    public Foo2
    public void SetInt32(int value) { // ... }
    public void SetDouble(double value) { // ... }
    public void SetInt16(short value) { // ... }
    [Row(typeof(int), 9999, "SetInt32")]
    [Row(typeof(double), 9999.9, "SetDouble")]
    [Row(typeof(short), 9999, "SetInt16")]
    public void Set_too_large_value_should_throw_exception<T>(T tooLargeValue, string methodName)
    var foo2 = new Foo2();
    var method = typeof(Foo2).GetMethod(methodName);
    var exception = Assert.Throws<TargetInvocationException>(() => method.Invoke(foo2, new object[] { tooLargeValue }));


    Contract Verifiers in MbUnit v3.0.7

    Jeff Brown has announced the release of Gallio v3.0.6. This new major version contains numerous new features and fixes which have been implemented during the last 5 months mostly by Jeff and Graham. (See the release note for more details)

    We made some notable additions to the contract verifier namespace as well:

    • New syntax based on the declaration of a read-only field rather than an attribute of the test fixture (breaking change)

    • Two new contract verifiers for collection-based classes (ICollection<T> and IList<T>)

    • New experimental contract verifier that checks for some aspects of immutability in a cumstom types
    But the work is far for being complete. Here is what you can expect in the future v3.0.7:
    • New contract verifier for implementations of the generic IDictionary interface.

    • New property tester to easily verify the consistency of a property getter/setter.

    • Better immutability contract verifier with additional tests and more possible customizations.

    • Improved stack trace data handling (so that double-clicking a failing test will lead you directly to the declaration of your contract field)

    • Better failure messages (with a new Assert.Explain helper method to decorate inner assertion failures, so we can provide more meaningful messages)

    • More documentation in the Gallio Book.

    So, let's go back to work...


    The Collection Contract Verifier

    Gallio v3.0.6 is closed to be released. Among the numerous new features and fixes, mostly brought by Jeff and Graham, we have added a new contract verifier for the collection types.

    The collection contract verifies that your implementation of the generic interface ICollection<T> behaves correctly. In particular, the contract verifier tests the addition and the deletion of items, but also the consistency of the Count and the ReadOnly properties.

    The syntax for declaring a collection contract verifier is very similar to the other contracts:
    public readonly IContract CollectionTests = new CollectionContract<TCollection, TItem>
    // Some Options...
    You may specify some optional properties to make the contract verifier better fit your specific needs. For instance, setting AcceptEqualItems to true indicates that the collection is expected to accept duplicate items (object equality). You can also provide a custom default instance of the collection by feeding GetDefaultInstance (by default the default constructor is invoked).

    To completely test a collection type is a particular painful task. The new collection contract verifier is then probably a nice time saver. However, the verifier expects your collection to have a strictly regular behavior, such as List<T>. It will probably not be suitable for a custom collection which treats addition or deletion of items with a different logic. We could have made the verifier even more flexible with additional options, but at a certain point, it is probably better to write manually the unit tests with ones own little fingers.


    Generic syntax for the MbUnit reflective assertions.

    The MbUnit v3 assertions related to type checking have been extended with a generic syntax counterpart. The four assertion methods:
    • Assert.IsInstanceOfType(Type expectedType, object actualObject);
    • Assert.IsNotInstanceOfType(Type unexpectedType, object actualObject);
    • Assert.IsAssignableFrom(Type expectedType, object actualObject);
    • Assert.IsNotAssignableFrom(Type unexpectedType, object actualObject);
    And their overloads with a custom message as well, do now exist with the following syntax:
    • Assert.IsInstanceOfType<TExpected>(object actualObject);
    • Assert.IsNotInstanceOfType<TUnexpected>(object actualObject);
    • Assert.IsAssignableFrom<TExpected>(object actualObject);
    • Assert.IsNotAssignableFrom<TUnexpected>(object actualObject);
    Those new methods are available in Gallio v3.0.6.649 and later.


    The Immutability Contract Verifier

    MbUnit v3 has a new contract verifier called VerifyImmutabilityContract. Basically, it verifies that every field of the tested type is declared with the readonly keyword. It is important to note that the verification is done recursively over all the inner field types, until some known primitive is found, such as String, Boolean, or Int32.

    The original idea comes from Jeff Brown which was inspired by a post of Oren Eini.

    Here is simple class that implements that sort of immutability, and a test fixture which declares the contract verifier.
    public class Foo
    private readonly int value;
    private readonly string name;

    // some code here...
    public class FooTest
    public readonly IContract ImmutabilityTests = new ImmutabilityContract<Foo>();
    So far, the contract verifier generates only one test method named AreAllFieldsReadOnly.